You have a legal right to claim financial compensation if you have been injured in an accident that is not your fault.
There are two main factors to be considered when working out the amount you are entitled to for a personal injury claim. They are the suffering caused by your injury (general damages) and the financial (special damages) loss as a result of the accident.
To establish your entitlement, your solicitor will likely arrange for you to have a medical assessment where your doctor will give a detail of your injury and the time of recovery. Your solicitor will also take into account the financial loss incurred as a result of the injury. Based on the severity of the injury and its impact on you, it will be challenging to say what your compensation will be because the general and special damages need to be calculated to know your compensation.
You have 3 years to make a personal injury claim from the date of the accident. It is always advisable to start your claim early because the details of all that happened will be more precise in your mind. If you start your claim earlier, you can easily access specific pieces of evidence, and it will also help for any witnesses or anyone involved in the accident.
No Win No Fee was introduced to help anyone pursue justice even when you can’t afford to pursue it. No Win No Fee allows anyone to take legal action when you are injured as a result of someone else’s negligence. With No Win No Fee claims means you don’t have to pay upfront. You can focus on your recovery rather than worry about any upfront costs.
With No Win No Fee, your solicitor gets 25%-40% of your compensation if the request was successful, but if not successful, you do not have to pay. This is agreed upon before you begin your claim.
In a situation where your loved one was involved in an accident, badly injured and unable to make claim for themselves, you can claim for such an individual. What this means is that you are stressed and worried about their condition and recovering.
Though claiming will not change the situation of your love one, but it can lessen the financial pressure and also give the victim access to special treatment that may lead to a quick recovery. For this type of compensation claim, a solicitor can help you claim on behalf of your loved one but if you want to claim a child, contact us for more information.