Why Choose US

Legal Assist gives you access to a nationwide panel of law firms which have over 100 years combined legal experience in different areas of the Law. We take an initial overview of your case enquiry and dependant on your case type or legal matter, we can introduce you to a solicitor’s firm which is right for you and your case.

Personal Injury

Whether you’ve been involved in an accident in a vehicle, as a pedestrian, at work or in a public space, we have an experienced panel of personal injury law firms ready to assist you.

Serious, Catastrophic or Fatal Injury

If you or a loved one have a life changing injury, we understand the complexities and difficulties of the situation, understanding that life may never be the same again for those affected after a truly horrific incident. That’s why at Legal Assist, we would only recommend a catastrophic injury specialist solicitor to deal with your case. One which has a proven track record of dealing with complex high value matters such as yours. Law firms which have the expertise and resources to help those who have been affected have the best possible chance of finding a better quality of life after the incident by arranging care & family support services, specialist rehabilitation, complex surgery/s, property adaptations, disability equipment and any other aspects which are essential to making the future more independent & secure for everyone involved. Our solicitors aim to give those affected some breathing space from any financial burdens by requesting Interim payments from the compensator prior to any compensation. Cases as complex as these can take several years to settle as there are many contributing factors to determine the value and conclusion of a case, however throughout the journey, our dedicated panel are there for you.

Clinical, Medical & Dental Negligence

After the incident, you are left with a lot of pain and bills. These bills are expensive as they cover your treatment, transportation cost and injuries. But, the worst is yet to come as you are unable to attend work and won’t get paid for those days either.

Now let’s look at the other side, when you claim and our solicitors fight your case, you can get compensated for your medical and transportation bills, and also for the days you were not able to go for work. It is a fair deal and you deserve it.

How do I claim

The first step is to call us for a free consultation and we’ll review your case and understand how it should proceed. Then your case will be forwarded to a solicitor who is best suited for this area.

From here, you don’t have to worry about anything as our solicitor will work on your case, gather all the information and create a file that represents you and what you’ve been through, and that you were not the one at fault.

UK visa and immigration

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